Support CosmicAnime

Why do we need your help?

Cosmic Anime is a free-to-use source and values user experience way more than nerve-wracking ads on the website. With basically none existent AD-Support we are dependent on the support of the Community to keep things going and constantly improve ♡

Your donations will cover Author salaries, Server payments, Development costs, and future projects.

Monthly Donations or One-Time Donations

Every Donation means honestly the world to us!! If you want to support us feel free to choose either Ko-Fi, or Paypal.

If you have any issues with your donations, email us at We will get back to you ASAP!

Thank you so much for supporting COSMICANIME! (❤ω❤) It means the WORLD to us!

All income will be invested to make CosmicAnime a better and more diverse experience for the whole Anime Community. This would definitely not be possible without your support! We wont let you down, fellow Otaku!✧ JAPAN